Friday, August 28, 2015

Insurance...Mortgage vs. Individual

I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Mike a few weeks ago at one of my open houses. We discussed the difference between Mortgage Insurance and an Individual Policy (Life Insurance). 

Many people know that they need insurance of some sort...but most are not aware of the different types available and their pros or cons. Mike provided me with this great chart explaining the difference between Mortgage Insurance and an Individual Policy with Desjardins. 

Take a look over this chart and give him a call if you have any questions!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Presence & Exposure

Below is a list of places ISellStThomas (Jim and Ainslee) has a presences and where a home would have exposure if listed with us! We work hard to ensure our business and ultimately our clients gain maximum exposure for their homes to allow their homes to sell as quickly as possible at the best possible price.

Feel free to check us out, follow us, like us and let us know where you see us. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either one of us.

Our Presence

ISellStThomas (Personal)
Twitter - @ISellStThomas
YouTube - ISellStThomas
Email - monthly newsletters sent to clients
Print Media - Elgin County Market & St.Thomas Times Journal
Locally - Lawn signs, Office (808 Talbot St)

Royal LePage Triland (Brokerage)
Twitter - @RoyLePTriland
YouTube - Royal LePage Triland (rltriland)
Blogspot -
Print Media - Elgin County Market, St.Thomas Times Journal, Weekly News, London Free Press, Real Estate Advertiser
Offices - London North, London South, St.Thomas, Woodstock, Ingersoll

Royal LePage (Brand)
Twitter - @Royal_LePage
Linked IN - Royal LePage
YouTube - RoyalLePageCanada
Brookfield - Global Relocation Services

Exposure for your Home

Locally - Lawn Sign, Coloured Feature Sheets, Elgin County Market, St.Thomas Times Journal, Our Office (808 Talbot St)

On Line - Facebook (across 3 pages, through side bar ads, paid ads and shares), Twitter (weekly), Linked IN (weekly across two accounts),,,,

Optional - London Free Press, Real Estate Advertiser

Open Houses - Office Caravan (first Tues listed), MLS Realtor Inspection (first Thur listed), Public (As preferred by Seller)